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Bridging the gap from one home to another


Welcome to Planned Pethood

We offer two services that we feel deserve a greater level of care and consideration.  Home to Home and Perfect Puppyhood.

Home to Home

We’re here to help if you are either looking for a much loved dog, or if you are a current owner facing the very difficult decision of finding a new family for your beloved pet.


Looking for a new home

There are many reasons why you may need to rehome your dog and here at PlannedPethood we understand that, and will provide a non judgemental support system to help you make the right choices and find the right home.  We are open to enquires from family pet owners and ethical breeders alike.


Wanting to offer a new home

If you are interested in providing a loving home for an older dog or puppy, please get in touch.  We particularly want to support the much overlooked older population who may want another companion animal but do not meet the age criteria of most re homing organisations.



All enquires are handled professionally and in confidence. All rehoming is subject to a care plan contract which includes a detailed history, neutering policy and future contact requirements. 

We are not a rescue organisation and do not deal with stray or rescued dogs. We can however signpost you in the right direction if you have a welfare concern.

Perfect Puppyhood

We’re also here to help people who are looking to source a puppy from an ethical breeder and who want to know where to look, what questions to ask and what to look out for. This is a bespoke service offering, tailored to individual needs and circumstance.


Before you take the next step

Are you ready to offer an older dog or a puppy a new home?   At PlannedPethood we want you to make the right decision from the off so we have put together a list of important points to consider before you take the next step. It includes every element of dog ownership that requires consideration before you get in touch with us..

Work/Home Balance

If you work, you will need to have a clear care plan in place, to demonstrate that your new dog/puppy will receive adequate continuity of care.  Although we know the full history of all of the older dogs we re-home, they still need considerable time to adjust and adapt to their new circumstances. We call this the rehabilitation phase.  Some readjust quicker than others, and it is important to note that time and patience are key.


Although puppies sleep a great deal, they also do all of their pivotal learning by the age of 16 weeks. So the first 8 weeks that you have your puppy, you have an ideal opportunity to teach it far more than house training. Much like small children, puppies need routine and boundaries.   They also need social stimulation and affection. Not to mention, feeding 3-4 times a day to start with and frequent trips to the garden.


Do you have small children? How will a new dog/puppy impact your family dynamic? Children and dogs/puppies can find one another unpredictable and therefore need supervision at all times. You may need to train your family as much as your dog/puppy.


Is your garden secure? Do you need to fence off hazardous areas i.e ponds. Do you have plants that are toxic to dogs?  Is your house dog/puppy safe? Cables are a particular hazard. Is there easy access to a garden outside area?

Are you in a rented property? Could having a dog/puppy be in breach of your tenancy? 


You need to think carefully about how much exercise you are able to provide for your dog. For puppies, the rule of thumb is 5 minutes per month of age until 1 year old. However, your puppy will soon be an adult dog. This is an area that normally gets overlooked. We all like to think that we’ve got a spare hour at the beginning and end of each day, but is that a reality? You need to choose a dog/puppy that’s ongoing exercise and stimulation requirement are a good match for your lifestyle.


Other than the adoption fee or cost of your puppy, you need to consider the ongoing costs. Good nutrition, day care, training etc. will all have a monthly impact.

Health/Vet bills

Are you prepared for the regular parasite prevention protocols and annual vaccinations? What about incidental bills for small injuries? 


Have you looked into the benefits of insurance? If your dog/puppy has an injury or illness that becomes an ongoing condition, veterinary costs can be high.

"Supporting change with passion, compassion and care."

Planned Pethood Limited.  Unit 6, Church Farm, Church Road, Barrow, Suffolk, IP29 5AX. Registered in England.  Id. 11138364.

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